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  • 姓名:劉興國
  • 性別:
  • 職稱:研究員
  • 學曆:博士
  • 電話:
  • 傳真:
  • 電子郵件:liu_xingguo@gibh.ac.cn
  • 通訊地址廣州市開源大道190號


  • 2002-2006年:清華大學生物科學與技術係,博士


    2007-2010: Thomas Jefferson University,博士後

    2010年-至今:betway体育下载 研究員


  • ·幹細胞命運調控中的核與線粒體等細胞器重塑




  • “Science Bulletin(《科學通報》英文版)執行編委

    亞洲線粒體研究與醫學學會 常務理事

    中國生物物理學會 常務理事


  • ·國家自然科學傑出青年基金









    ·國際生物物理學會"2011 Young Bioenergeticist award"





  • 1.Ying, Z., Xiang G., Zheng, L., …Liu, X*.(2018).Short-term mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening modulates histone lysine methylation at the early phase of somatic cell reprogramming.Cell Metabolism, 28(6):935-945.

    2.Ying, Z., Chen K., Zheng, L., …Liu, X*.(2016).Transient activation of mitoflashes modulates Nanog at the early phase of somatic cell reprogramming.Cell Metabolism,23(1):220-226.

    3.Li, L., Chen, K., Wang, T., …Liu, X*. (2020). Glis1 facilitates induction of pluripotency via an epigenome-metabolome-epigenome signaling cascade.Nature Metabolism2(9):882-892.

    4.Long, Q., Zhou, Y., Wu, H., …Liu, X*. (2021). Phase separation drives the self-assembly of mitochondrial nucleoids for transcriptional modulation.Nature Structural & Molecular Biology28(11):900-908.

    5.Li, W.,Long, Q., Wu, H., …Liu, X*. (2022). Nuclear localization of mitochondrial TCA cycle enzymes modulates pluripotency viahistone acetylation.Nature Communications,2022 Dec 2;13(1):7414. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35199-0

    6.Bao, F., Zhou, L., Zhou, R., …Tian, M*&Liu, X*. (2022). Mitolysosome exocytosis, a mitophagy-independent mitochondrial quality control in flunarizine-induced parkinsonism-like symptoms.Science Advances, 8(15):eabk2376.

    7.Wu, Y., Chen, K., Xing, G., …Liu, X*. (2019). Phospholipid remodeling is critical for stem cell pluripotency via facilitating mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition.Science Advances, 5(11):eaax7525.

    8.Guo, J.,Duan, L., He, X., …Liu, X*. (2021).A combined model of human iPSC-derived liver organoids and hepatocytes reveals ferroptosis in DGUOK mutant mtDNA depletion syndrome.AdvancedScience8(10):2004680. (封麵)

    9.Li, S., Guo, J., Ying, Z., ... Liu, X*. (2015). Valproic acid‐induced hepatotoxicity in Alpers syndrome is associated with mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening‐dependent apoptotic sensitivity in an induced pluripotent stem cell model.Hepatology, 61(5):1730-1739.

    10.Chen, K., Long, Q., Xing, G., …Pei, D*&Liu, X*. (2020). Heterochromatin loosening by the Oct4 linker region facilitates Klf4 binding and iPSC reprogramming.EMBO Journal, 39(1):e99165 (F1000推薦)

    11.Xiang, G., Yang, L., Long, Q., …Liu, X*.(2017). BNIP3L-dependent mitophagy accounts for mitochondrial clearance during 3 factors-induced somatic cell reprogramming.Autophagy, 13(9):1543-1555.

    12.Zhou, Y., Long, Q., Wu, H., …Liu, X*. (2020). Topology-dependent, bifurcated mitochondrial quality control under starvation.Autophagy, 16(3):562-574. (封麵)

    13.Wu, Y., Chen, K., Li L., …Liu, X*. (2022). Plin2-mediated lipid droplet mobilization accelerates exit from pluripotency by lipidomic remodeling and histone acetylation.Cell Death & Differentiation,29(11):2316-2331.

    14.Xing, G., Liu, Z., Huang L., …Pei, D*Liu, X*& Chen, K*. (2022). MAP2K6 remodels chromatin and facilitates reprogramming by activating Gatad2b-phosphorylation dependent heterochromatin loosening.Cell Death & Differentiation,29(5):1042-1054.

    15.Yang, L., Lin, X., Tang, H.,....Liu, X*. (2020).Mitochondrial DNA mutation exacerbates female reproductive aging via impairment of the NADH/NAD+redox.Aging Cell19(9):e13206.

    16.Yao, D., Li, Y., Zeng, S.,Liu, X*.(2022).Short-form OPA1 is a molecular chaperon in mitochondrial intermembrane space.Science China-Life Sciences,65(2):227-235.(封麵).

    17.Bao, F., Shi, H., Gao, M.,…Liu, X*.(2018). Polybrene induces neural degeneration by bidirectional Ca2+influx dependent mitochondrial and ER-mitochondrial dynamics.Cell Death & Disease, 9(10):966.

    18.Li, L., Chen, K., Wu Y.,...Liu, X*.(2017). Gadd45a opens up the promoter regions of miR-295 facilitating pluripotency induction.Cell Death & Disease, 8(10):e3107.

    19.Lin, Y., Xiao, M., Chen, H., Meng, Y., Zhao, N., Yang, L., Tang, H., Wang, J.,Liu, X*, Zhu, Y.*, Zhuang, S.*. (2019). A novel mitochondrial micropeptide MPM enhances mitochondrial respiratory activity and promotes myogenic differentiation.Cell Death & Disease, 10(7):528

    20.Yang, L., Long, Q., Liu, J., ...Liu, X*.(2015). Mitochondrial fusion provides an ‘initial metabolic complementation’ controlled by mtDNA.Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences,72(13):2585-2598.

    21.Chen, K., Long, Q., Wang, T., …Liu, X*&Pei, D*. (2016). Gadd45a is a heterochromatin relaxer that enhances iPScellgeneration.EMBO Reports,17(11): 1641-1656.

    22.Bao, F., Shi, H., Long, Q., …Liu, X*.(2016). Mitochondrial membrane potential-dependent endoplasmic reticulum fragmentation is an important step in neuritic degeneration.CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics,22(8):648-660.()

    23.Yang, L., Tang, H., Lin, X....Liu, X*. (2020). OPA1-Exon4b binds to mtDNA D-loop for transcriptional and metabolic modulation, independent of mitochondrial fusion.Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology,8: 180.

    24.Wu, Y., Chen, K., Liu, X., ...Liu, X*.(2015). Srebp‐1 Interacts with c‐Myc to Enhance Somatic Cell Reprogramming.Stem Cells,34(1): 83-92.

    25.Long, Q., Zhao, D., Fan, W., ...Wang X*&Liu, X*.(2015). Modeling of mitochondrial donut formation.Biophysical Journal, 109(5):892-899.

    26.Liu, W., Long, Q., Chen, K., ... &Liu, X*.(2013). Mitochondrial metabolism transition cooperates with nuclear reprogramming during induced pluripotent stem cell generation.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,431(4), 767-771.

    27.Liu, X.,Weaver, D., Shirihai, O., & Hajnóczky, G. (2009). Mitochondrial ‘kissandrun’: interplay between mitochondrial motility and fusion–fission dynamics.The EMBO Journal, 28(20), 3074-3089.(F1000推薦)

    28.Liu, X., & Hajnoczky, G. (2011). Altered fusion dynamics underlie unique morphological changes in mitochondria during hypoxia–reoxygenation stress.Cell Death & Differentiation, 18(10), 1561-1572.(F1000推薦)

    29.Weaver, D., Eisner, V.,Liu, X., … & Hajnóczky, G. (2014). Distribution and apoptotic function of outer membrane proteins depend on mitochondrial fusion.Molecular Cell, 54(5), 870-878.(co-first author)
